
About Me

I am beginning a new chapter in my life at the age of 46.  I have decided to start farming with sheep.  If you don't count a handful of hobby animals, I've never farmed before in my life.  I am learning all there is too pasture maintenance, hay quality, parasites, breeding, lambing, rumens and everything else in between.  At the moment I live on a small hobby farm with four horses, seven goats, seven sheep, four miniature horses, a small flock of chickens and ducks, a couple pet rabbits, and our old German Shepherd who loves nothing more but to protect us from all the real and imaginary enemies surrounding our farm.  We also breed golden retrievers and own four in total.  We also own a blue merle border collie but she belongs to my Oldest who does not wish to use her for herding so I am sure sometime in the future I will also be purchasing a herding dog or two and possibly some livestock guardian dogs as well.  I love spending my days in the company of animals and the great outdoors.  Admittedly, I probably enjoy their company over humans.  I am a self-proclaimed hermit.  I love being at home and don't desire to go anywhere else.  I am also the mother of three wonderful children.  Two are older while my youngest is nine and is homeschooled.  I am not a great cook so you will not find any recipes on this blog.  My husband is a butcher, however, so there may be the odd post about the cuts of meat derived from a lamb.  Though I love everything I mentioned above dearly and love to brag about them all, this blog will not be that outlet and instead will be focused entirely on sheep or anything sheep related.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, began with a small flock of Katahdin last March - we are hoping our ewes are pregnant for our first lambing season. Enjoyed your sheep pics!
    Harriette J.
